St. John Physical Therapy
504 Rue De Sante, LaPlace, LA
Ph. (985) 652-9515

Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy is the application of purposely goal-orientated activity in the evaluation and treatment of people with abilities to perform and cope with the tasks of daily living are impaired.
Orthopedic Therapy
A branch of physical therapy that focus is on the muscular and skeletal system
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy is the application of purposeful goal-oriented activity in the evaluation and treatment of people whose abilities to perform and cope with the tasks of daily life or impaired
Hand Therapy
Hand Therapy Rehabilitation of the upper limb, which includes the hand, wrist, elbow, and the shoulder girdle. Utilizes special therapeutic interventions to prevent dysfunction, restore function and/or reverse the progression of pathology of the upper limb
Industrial Rehab Therapy
Specializes in rehabilitation of the injured worker to allow a quick, safe return to work and without risk of re-injury.
Occupational Injury Prevention
Incorporates a unified public health approach to teaching and research of work related injuries through the examination and evaluation of individuals with work-related risk factors, impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions.
Trigger Point Dry Needling
Effective technique that provides fast pain relief by using a very fine needle to activate or shut down painful or knotted areas in your muscles.
Sports Rehabilitation Therapy
Rehabilitation for sports related injuries that are focus on prevention, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation and performance enhancement of the physically active individual.
Are you in need of physical therapy and rehabilitation services for sports injuries or chronic pain? Then contact St. John Physical Therapy in LaPlace. Whether your goal is to get up and down the stairs without pain or to run a marathon, we will tailor a program to meet your needs. We work to create a safe, friendly environment and provide personalized rehabilitation programs which allow you to reach your desired goals. We will work one-on-one with you to meet your needs, and our knowledgeable, highly experienced staff can answer all of your questions.
The staff at St. John Physical Therapy is made up of experienced professionals with various backgrounds for a complete team approach. They are supported by a team of efficient, well trained support staff. They provide you with a personalized progressive program to get you back on top of your game.

Owner and Administrator He is trained in various manual therapies, Functional Capacity Assessment, Dry Needling, Functional Job Analysis and Ergonomic assessment.

Norma is a Licensed Massage Therapist and sees patients and private massage clients at St. John Physical Therapy. Call for an appointment.


Patient testimonials
Thousands have already been successful with physical therapy services. You are the only one step away from your recovery and success. It’s your time to shine!